What is AUMY?
AUMY (Aldersgate United Methodist Youth) is Aldersgate’s Youth Group. AUMY alsojoins together throughout the year for various events, like: game nights, movie nights,Christmas Parties, Youth Sunday, retreats, and an annual mission trip.We are an open and affirming group, who believe All Means All. We hope you’ll join us!!
Students in sixth grade or older have the opportunity to attend Aldersgate’s Confirmation classes.
Once they have completed their weekly studies, they can choose to be confirmed and become full members of Aldersgate United Methodist Church. Confirmation Sunday will be in April.
Please keep these young people in your prayers as they learn what it means to be a United Methodist Christian.
Pumpkin Patch
At Aldersgate, pumpkins translate into outreach opportunities.
Aldersgate youth and adults help to operate the annual Pumpkin Patch during October.
Pumpkin sales represent the main youth fundraising effort for the school year, and the funds raised from the Pumpkin Patch help to defray expenses for youth mission trips.
Thanks to everyone who took part in this fundraiser by volunteering time or buying pumpkins.